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Why do we do it?

At Inay Energías we are a self-consumption industry leader because we believe in changing the energy model. The self-consumption systems we design are based on installing photovoltaic solar panels which are intended to be an energy source which respects the environment.

How do we develop it?

At Inay Energías we undertake studies for our clients on their consumption curves and we analyse what amount of photovoltaic power to install for the best results

At Inay Energías we have a team of highly qualified professionals, both for designing as well as for installing and maintaining the systems.

What do we achieve?

At Inay Energías we offer the most technologically advanced systems on the market, from a variety of manufacturers, always looking for the best option for the client as far as efficiency is concerned.

Contact Us
C/Gremi de Boneters, 12 local 22
07009 Palma de Mallorca
Telf. 971 90 00 01
Fax. 971 90 00 02
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